Plenary Three




Focused on how advice delivery can be reshaped now, this Plenary session focuses on the actions advisers can take now in advance of legislative reform to forge ahead and enhance their client’s experience of financial advice.

As we await the details of the eagerly anticipated tranche 2 of DBFO - and specifically what this means for the consolidation of advice documents – this not to be missed plenary is your opportunity to hear from a collective of industry professionals and tap into their extensive experience around how you can deliver advice efficiently, compliantly, and effectively.

This session will explore key questions such as:

  • What do clients want to see in the delivery of advice and their advice documents?
  • How can clients better understand the advice and how can they be empowered to take action to implement the recommended financial advice?
  • How can advisers simplify their advice process and documents (i.e. SoAs that are concise, “fit for purpose” advice records)?
  • What will the client file look like, and what needs to be considered to ensure the compliance elements needed for advice to be defendable are included?

With a focus on “controlling what you can control”, this session will help you confidently explore opportunities for process redesign, tools and frameworks, data integrity and/or leveraging the technology you have at your fingertips now, so you can confidently and compliantly POWER UP your business and tackle some of the main advice compliance and process challenges head on.


Conrad Travers
Director & Principal Consultant, Tangelo Advice Consulting

Conrad has over 20 years experience in financial services having worked at ING / ANZ / IOOF for 10 years including running the head office of ANZ Financial planning (during a massive period of regulatory change), managed Line 1 Risk for ANZ Advice supporting both salaried and aligned advisers and running a team of 47 people for ANZ / IOOF covering technical, paraplanning, standards etc.

He started Tangelo in 2019 and now has a team of 5 -10 advice professionals all with >15 years advice experience. Tangelo provides support to advice businesses to help operationalise their compliance including policy writing, improving processes, training staff and completing gap assessments for practices and licensees.

Shail Singh
Lead Ombudsman Investment & Advice, AFCA

Shail completed a law/science degree at the University of Melbourne in 1996 and commenced his legal career in 1997 at a top-tier Australian Law Firm Blake Dawson Waldron (now Ashursts). Since that time, Shail has worked both in-house, and as legal counsel for various regulators including Worksafe Victoria and the Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria. 

Shail completed his Masters in Law at the University of Melbourne in 2005, and in 2008 he left the law to train and work as a financial planner, completing his Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning in 2009 at Kaplan, before joining AFCA’s predecessor scheme, FOS, as a case manager in 2010. 

Shail was appointed as an Ombudsman at the commencement of AFCA in 2018, and then the Senior Ombudsman (Investments and Advice) in 2021. From January 2022 he was the Acting Lead Ombudsman Investments and Advice until he was officially appointed to the role in May 2023. 

Shail has now worked in dispute resolution for over a decade and is a specialist in Investments and Advice complaints. This includes financial planning, derivatives, managed funds, timeshare, cryptocurrency and stockbroking disputes.

Travis Carter
Director, Retrac

Travis Carter is a business owner and mentor with a big passion for technology and the vital role it plays for small and medium-sized businesses.Travis is personally driven to improve the lives of our customers through his work to increase productivity, efficiency gains, and improved security.

As Director for Retrac, Travis leads a motivated team that empowers their customers to adapt to the ongoing changes and enables them to service their customers better.

Simon Russell
Director, Behavioural Finance Australia

Simon is the founder of Behavioural Finance Australia (BFA). At BFA he provides specialist behavioural finance training & consulting. He mostly works with fund managers, major super funds, financial advisers and other financial services professionals.

Simon is at the forefront of how behavioural finance research can be applied to improve financial decisions and outcomes. His own research has demonstrated the efficacy of a number of relatively simple psychological strategies – such as how changing the order that investment returns are presented can help investors make better long-term decisions, how ‘anchors’ can impact perceptions about the value of financial advice, and how category labels and graph axes can influence investment choices and risk perceptions.

Simon is the author of four books on behavioural finance, including "Behavioural Finance - A guide for financial advisers”.

Simon holds a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) & Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) both from the University of Adelaide, Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance & Investments from the Securities Institute of Australia, Master of Applied Finance from Macquarie University, Diploma of Financial Planning from MLC Advice Education and a Graduate Certificate in Management from the Australian Institute of Management.

Christina Kalantzis
Director, Alexis Compliance & Risk

Christina Kalantzis is the founding Director of Alexis Compliance and Risk Solutions, a financial services compliance and risk management firm based in Sydney. She has over 20 years experience in the financial services wealth management and distribution industry and extensive risk management and compliance experience. She provides advice to ASX listed companies on Financial Services Reform (“FSR”) and the Future of Financial Advice Reforms (“FOFA”) compliance, investment and risk management issues.

She was a member of the FOFA Treasury working committee convened by the Rudd and Gillard government throughout 2007 - 2012. She managed one of Australia’s largest Financial Planning Enforceable Undertakings. She managed a number of 2016-2017 FOFA Adviser Banning’s regarding “best interest duties”, superannuation and insurance advice. She managed the first FSR adviser banning 2005 and has represented advisers in Westpoint/ ASIC banning hearings, was an industry expert to ASIC and the ACA as part of the Quality of Advice Survey 2002, and the FPA’s head project manager for FSR, privacy and fee disclosure. She has also managed AFSL risk management, product, unit pricing and advice breaches.

Christina is a published author and speaker on compliance, corporate governance and risk management planning, her work has been published by Asset, BRW, Money Management, IFA, Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian and the Australian Financial Review. Christina holds a Master of Laws and Legal Practice, a Masters Degree in Banking and Finance, a Bachelor of Commerce, and a Foundation Diploma in Financial Planning.

Simon Hoyle 
Acting Editor, Investment Magazine

Simon is editor at large at Conexus Financial, publisher of Professional Planner, Investment Magazine and He has almost 40 years’ journalism experience as a reporter and editor, having joined Business Review Weekly magazine in 1986 as a cadet via The Age in Melbourne, and was part of the team that created and launched Money Management. In 1992 he moved to the Australian Financial Review, where he spent 11 years covering banking and financial services, and was appointed deputy investment editor and editor of the paper’s Smart Money section. 

Simon was an investment writer for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian, and joined Conexus Financial in 2007 as the inaugural editor of Professional Planner. In 2018 he joined financial services research and consulting firm CoreData, where he spent almost five years as head of market insight. Simon rejoined Conexus in September, 2022.

Nadia Docker
Director, Kinetic Compliance

Nadia has established a successful track record in integrating customised compliance solutions that meet strategic and commercial objectives for Australian financial services licensees. As a Director of Kinetic Compliance, she uses her expertise consulting with AFS licensees on meeting regulatory requirements, advice reviews, due diligence for acquisitions, risk management and compliance frameworks, breach reporting, complaints handling and client remediation.

Her in depth knowledge acquired across various roles, combined with her passion for the industry and quality advice outcomes, position her perfectly to work with AFS Licensees in meeting their compliance obligations.

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