How to Win the Game Show of Advice

CONGRESS DAY ONE | WED 27 NOVEMBER | 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Session overview

Join us for an engaging two-hour session styled as a game show, where we delve into practical scenarios that financial advisers encounter. This session, titled "How to Win the Game Show of Advice," will challenge and enhance your advising strategies through interactive discussions and case studies. We'll explore diverse aspects of client engagement, from understanding the emotional and financial complexities of life events like IVF, divorce, and elder care, to navigating legal and ethical considerations in financial planning. Whether you're dealing with asset protection, estate planning, or unique family dynamics, this session will equip you with the skills to navigate your advisory role. 

Your presenters

Amanda Cassar
Director, Wealth Planning Partners

Amanda specialises in Age Care and Estate Planning.  She has written the book Financial Secrets Revealed and hosts a podcast of the same name.  Amanda has created an online course for financial professionals globally on the topic of financial coercion and financial abuse.

Cara Graham
Principal Wealth Adviser, The Wealth Designers

Cara Graham, a Financial Adviser with The Wealth Designers that has firsthand experience of herself and her partner going through IVF & IUI as well as planning around maternity and parental leave, understanding not only the financial planning considerations of fertility treatments and family planning but the additional challenges that women experience with the ups and downs of hormonal challenges among many other matters of family planning.

Dominique Bergal Grant
Principal Adviser, Navigate your Divorce

A divorce financial planner, collaborative professional and CDC certified divorce coach and transition and recovery specialist – will add her experience as an adviser who helps her clients thrive as they navigate from separation to divorce and beyond.

Jordan Vaka
Independent Financial Adviser, Jordan Vaka PlanningSolo

Jordan is an independent financial adviser, whose practice PlanningSolo is dedicated to helping financially inexperienced and nervous people through life’s big transitions. More than 80% of his clients are women, many of whom are navigating divorce, bereavement and retirement. His primary interest is using the financial advisory process to help people through these moments with sensitivity, direction and clarity.

Samantha Lewis
Principal Director, Lewis Family Lawyers

Samantha is our legal representative who has her own specialist family law practice - I feel Samantha will be able to give an additional layer with reference to the law and cases when discussing issues such as divorce, financial coercion, and relationship matters.

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